Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Recent Wins from Second Chance

Now that I have been through most of the program I have seen a great change in my attitude and my view of life. After finishing the sauna my mind and body have been literally purified. All the drugs and toxins are out and new ideas, concepts and goals are in. My mind is clearer and my body is healthier. I feel better than I ever have. From here on out my life is going to be uphill, until I reach the top. I hope that others will see how the program truly works!!!.

Ernest M.

My biggest win was coming here to the Second Chance Program. It has helped me change my way of thinking. Before all I would think about was how I was going to get my next high. Now I have a clear way of thinking. The sauna also has a lot to do with how I am able to think now. It cleaned out all of the toxins that were stored up in my body. Also I learned how to communicate with people and I will be able to confront anything that gets in my way. But my biggest win is that I got my self respect back.

Nathan G.

For more information, go to:

Second Chance Center or Second Chance Program

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